• We produce only the exact software solutions you require. Why? Because we know that it is no fun to miss out the choice of options every time, or the choice of colour; and to select or de-select something for every five subsequent things just to enact one process. It’s likely to cause bother at the start, never mind over an extended period of time – and we spend more time at our place of work than anywhere else.
  • Our software is tailor-made for you. It’s like a kind of mass entity – a chief secretary that knows what is being requested and when; and it has prepared everything for it in advance. We ask questions, look over your shoulder, weigh and discuss your requests – we combine our specialist knowledge with your own. In the current day, much of this knowledge is indeed alien to you. These are the kinds of questions that a new worker will ask in the firm – questions whose answers never become written down.
  • When you remember that you are working with our software, you will feel more relaxed; for you know that the software itself is co-operative and that it supports you, it works just as you want it to work, it is fast and efficient, it makes the right suggestions, and it knows which processes are able to run whether one way round or the other.
  • Inconspicuously appropriate. It is good enough that it can serve a stressed grandmother.